
Check the weather forecast before you leave
The forecast is set for Camposampiero (PD).
Dati meteo 3bmeteo

From 21/01/2025 to 27/01/2025

Very cloudy or overcast
Morning 6.9°C
Wind: 0.7 km/h ESE Rainfall: -- mm
Cloudy with some clear spells
Midday 10.6°C
Wind: 2.2 km/h O Rainfall: -- mm
Scattered clouds with long, clear spells
Afternoon 10.8°C
Wind: 1.6 km/h SSO Rainfall: -- mm
Scattered clouds with long, clear spells
Evening 3.7°C
Wind: 1.8 km/h SE Rainfall: -- mm
grey sky due to low clouds
Morning 3.1°C
Wind: 0.5 km/h E Rainfall: -- mm
Very cloudy or overcast
Midday 6.2°C
Wind: 0.5 km/h NE Rainfall: -- mm
Very cloudy or overcast
Afternoon 7.5°C
Wind: 0.5 km/h SSE Rainfall: -- mm
Very cloudy or overcast
Evening 6°C
Wind: 1.3 km/h E Rainfall: -- mm
Overcast with drizzle
Morning 5.8°C
Wind: 1.4 km/h ENE Rainfall: -- mm
Overcast with steady rain
Midday 7.2°C
Wind: 1.8 km/h NNE Rainfall: -- mm
Cloudy with some clear spells
Afternoon 8.3°C
Wind: 0.5 km/h OSO Rainfall: -- mm
Scattered clouds and clear spells
Evening 5.2°C
Wind: 1.6 km/h ONO Rainfall: -- mm
grey sky due to low clouds
Morning 2.1°C
Wind: 1.4 km/h S Rainfall: -- mm
Midday 9.1°C
Wind: 0.7 km/h SSE Rainfall: -- mm
Scattered clouds with long, clear spells
Afternoon 11.9°C
Wind: 0.5 km/h SSE Rainfall: -- mm
Clear and fine
Evening 3.1°C
Wind: 1.1 km/h SE Rainfall: -- mm
Foggy conditions
Morning 3.5°C
Wind: 0.7 km/h E Rainfall: -- mm
Foggy conditions
Midday 8.3°C
Wind: 2.2 km/h E Rainfall: -- mm
Cloudy or very cloudy
Afternoon 8.2°C
Wind: 0 km/h ESE Rainfall: -- mm
Very cloudy or overcast
Evening 6.8°C
Wind: 0.4 km/h E Rainfall: -- mm
Cloudy with some clear spells
Morning 3.1°C
Wind: 1.2 km/h ENE Rainfall: -- mm
Cloudy or very cloudy
Midday 9.1°C
Wind: 1.5 km/h ESE Rainfall: -- mm
Very cloudy or overcast
Afternoon 10.5°C
Wind: 1.4 km/h ENE Rainfall: -- mm
Overcast with drizzle
Evening 8°C
Wind: 1.2 km/h NE Rainfall: -- mm
Very cloudy or overcast
Morning 4°C
Wind: 0.7 km/h SSO Rainfall: -- mm
Very cloudy or overcast
Midday 8.6°C
Wind: 1.4 km/h S Rainfall: -- mm
Very cloudy or overcast
Afternoon 9.6°C
Wind: 2.2 km/h ESE Rainfall: -- mm
Very cloudy or overcast
Evening 7.9°C
Wind: 2.6 km/h ENE Rainfall: -- mm

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